Terms and conditions

Below you will find terms and conditions of use in www.fredericcishoes.com online shop. This includes information about purchasing protocol, sales agreement, shipping options and payment methods as well as complaints, return and refund policy.

www.fredericci.eu online shop is the property of Fryderyk Leciej who conducts business activities as Rymarnia Leciejów Action-Holsters Fryderyk Leciej based in Bieżyń 35, 64-010 Krzywiń, Poland, registered into the Register of Enterpreneurs (Centralna Ewidencja i Informacja o Działalności Gospodarczej) under the corporate identity number (NIP) 698 160 45 67.

Any time you can contact us, by e-mail: order@fredericcishoes.com or by phone, +48 608 518 056, Monday-Friday 10.00-18.00 CET

§ 1

For the purposes of this Terms of use following definitions are being accepted:

1. Working day- every day of the week except Saturdays , Sundays and holidays obligatory in The Republic of Poland.
2. Client – any adult physical person capable of legal actions (according to Client's country-specific regulations), any legal person or any organisational unit without legal personality capable of legal actions, purchasing from Seller any goods that are directly connected to the Seller's business activity.
3. Buyer – Client or Consumer
4. Consumer – any physical person concluding sales agreement with Seller provided the purchase not directly connected to the Consumer's business or economic activity.
5. Terms and Conditions - this Terms and Conditions, available here:  https://fredericcishoes.com/en/content/8-regulations
6. Shop – Internet-based shop available under adress: fredericci.com
7. Seller – Fryderyk Leciej who conductss business activities as Rymarnia Leciejów Action-Holsters Fryderyk Leciej based in Bieżyń 35, 64-010 Krzywiń, Poland, registered into the Register of Enterpreneurs ( Centralna Ewidencja i Informacja o Działalności Gospodarczej) under the corporate identity number (NIP) 698 160 45 67.

§ 2
Preliminary provisions

1. By means of the Shop, Seller conducts retail and wholesale and provides services by electronic means. Via the Shop the Buyer can purchase any goods available on the Shop's website.
2. Terms and Conditions specify the rules of using the shop as well as rights and responsibilities of the Buer and Seller.
3. There are no technical requirements for the Buer's computer or any other electronic device to use the Shop. The following are sufficient:
   ◦ access to the Internet
   ◦ any standard operating system
   ◦ any standard website browser
   ◦ current active e-mail address
4. The buyer cannot use the shop anonymously or using nicknames or pseudonyms.
5. All prices given on the Shop's website are gross prices.

§ 3
 Services provided by electronic means

1. By the use of the Shop, the Seller provides to the Buyer services by electronic means.
2. Basic service provided to the Buyer by electronic means is allowing the Buyer to place order in the online shop. To place an order in the shop, registering an account is necessary.
3. If the Buyer decides to register an account, the Seller provides additional service by electronic means in the form of creating and maintaining Buyer's account. Account contains Buyer's data and order history. The Buyer logs in  using his e- mail adress and password.
4. Registering an account consists of filling a form, accepting this Terms and Conditions and sending the registration form  by means of the Shop's automatic mechanisms. The act of sending a filled regigistration  form is equivalnt of an agreement between the Buyer and the Seller to provide and support the account. The agreement has no time limit and can be resolved acting emmediately  at any moment, by deleting the account.
5. Another service by electonic means  provided by the Seller is allowing the Buyer to use a contact form available in the shop, including sending attachments.
6. Filling out necessary fields in the contact form and sending it is equivalent to concluding an agreement between the Buyer and the Seller to provide services by electronic means. The service is provided by answering the message sent by the Buyer to the e-mail adress they had given in the contact form. The agreement is terminated at the end of contact between the Seller and the Buyer.
7. Services by electronic means are provided to the Buyer free of charge. Any sales agreements concluded by means of the Shop are charged.
8. To ensure the Buyer's security while using the Shop, the Seller takes technical and organisational measures proportional to the threat level of provided services. This means in particular preventing unauthorized persons from acquiring and modification of the Buyer's personal data.
9. The Seller takes measures to ensure correct functioning of the online shop. The Buyer should inform the Seller of any technical problems should they occur.
10. Any complaints regarding problems with functioning of the shop can be sent via e-mail : order@fredericcishoes.com. The complaint should include name, surrname, adress, as well as the date and nature of the problem. Seler will investigate the complaint in up to 14 days starting at the day the complaint was submitted. The Seller will intorm the Client about the result of complaint consideration via e-mail

§ 4.
Order placement

1. The Buyer can place an order only after registering an account in the Shop.

2.The Buyer is obliged to give authentic personal data. The buyer is held responsible if false personal data are given. The Seller reserves the right to cancel the execution of the order if false data are given, or if there are justified doubts about the authenticity of the data. In such case, the Buyer will be informed about any doubts concerning the given data by telephone or e-mail. The Buyer has right to clarify any doubts concerning the personal data given by them. If contact data are not provided by the Buyer, the Seller will provide explanations only after being contacted by the Buyer.
3.The Buyer declares that every data given by them is authentic. The Seller is not obliged to verify any data given by the Buyer despite being lawfully entitled to do so.

Orders for prefabricated product ( not by the individual sfpecification given by the Client)
4.  To place and order, the Buyer must proceed as follows:
▪  log in
▪  choose products being the subject of the order by clicking „add to cart” button.
▪  provide the shipping adress if different than the adress given in the account data.
▪  choose the shipping option ( Polish Postal Service or TNT), followed by clicking „Proceed to Checkout” button
▪  choose the payment method  (Paypal or transfer to the Seller's bank account)
▪  Read and accept Terms and Coditions. The Buyer acceps  Terms and Conditions only if they understand and accept it's content. Acceptance of the Terms and Conditions is voluntary but necessary for placing the order.
▪  Click „Order with payment due” button.

5. If the Buyer chooses PayPal as method of payment, after clicking ”Order with payment due” they are automatically redirected to PayPal service to finish the payment. After the payment, the Buyer is directed back to the Shop, to order placement confirmation site. At that moment a sales agreement for the ordered goods is considered as concluded.
6.    If the Buyer chooses a bank transfer as a payment method, after clicking „Order with payment due” button, they are redirected straight to order placement confirmation site. At that moment a sales agreement for the ordered goods is considered as concluded.
Orders for products made by the individual sfpecification given by the Client

( a non-prefabricable item, made  by the individual specification given by the Client or made to satisfy specific, individual needs of the Client)

7. After logging-in , the Buyer clicks „order” button and following the information provided in the product description, fills in the form, accepts Terms and Conditions (The Buyer acceps  Terms and Conditions only if they understand and accept it's content. Acceptance of the Terms and Conditions is voluntary but necessary for placing the order), then sends the order by mens of the form available on the Shop's site.
8. Within 4 working days the Seller sends an e-mail  (to the adress given by the Buyer) containing information  about order execution time and price estimation. The Buyer is obliged to unambiguously respod whether they confirm the order within 90 working days.
9. The Seller sends an e-mail confirming the order placement. At that monent a sales agreement for the ordered goods is considered as concluded.
10. Within 7 days after concluding the sales agreement the Buyer is obliged to regulate any due payment, according to pt. 8 above.

§ 5
Shipping options and methods of payment

1. The Buyer may choose one of the shipping options available: Polish Postal Service or TNT. Shipping cost and delivery times available in „Delivery” bookmark.
2. All shipping costs are covered by the Buyer unless the Seller states otherwise.
3. The Buyer may choose between following payment methods:
   ◦ Bank transfer to the Seller's bank account
   ◦ Transfer by means of external service- PayPal

§ 6
 Order execution

1. After placing an order according to § 4, an order confirmation  will be generated . The confirmation will be sent to the e-mail adress given by the Buyer.
2. If the Buyer chooses bank transfer as payment method, the payment is due in 7 days after sales agreement has been concluded. If the subject of the agreement is not prefabricable i.e. it is made to the Buyer's specification or to satisfy their specific needs, and Pay Pal is chosen as a payment method, the payment is also  due in 7 days after sales agreement has been concluded.
3. Completing the order is understood as preparing purchased products for shipping. Order is considered as completed when prepared to be shipped or collected by the Buyer.
4. Order completion time  is 1 working day, however completion time for products made  by the individual specification given by the Client is set individually.
5. Time of completion is due from the moment of payment for the order.
6. When the order is completed, the Seller will confirm order completion by e-mail. At the same time ordered products will be shipped to the Buyer.
7. Ordered products are shipped according to the shipping option chosen by the Buyer, according to §4 of Terms and Conditions.
8. Time of the order delivery is determined by the shipping option chosen by the Buyer and is counted from the date of order completion, as described in paragraph 6 point 3 of this Terms and Conditions.

§ 7

Consumer agreement renouncement – Applies only for Consumers based at any country being part of the European Economic Area

1. The consumer who concluded a distance agreement (by means of remote communication) is entitled to renounce the agreement without specifying a reason to do so, within 14 days from the date of taking possession of the acquired goods.
2. The right to renounce agreement does not apply to an agreement, subject of which is a not-prefabricable item, made to the Consumer's specification or to satisfy their specific needs.
3. To renounce an agreement, the Consumer must inform the Seller about his decision to renounce the agreement by means of unequivocal statement such as a written document or an e-mail.
4. The consumer may use an agreement renouncement form, available here:  formularz odstąpienia od umowy  however this is not obligatory.
5. To keep the time for agreement renouncement it is sufficient for the Consumer to send an information about agreement renouncement within 14 days from the date of taking possession of the acquired goods.
6. The consumer is obliged to return ordered products to the Seller or to a person entitled by the Seller without delay, but not later than 14 days from the date of agreement renouncement. This does not apply to a situation when the Seller suggested picking up the returned products in person. To keep the due time it is sufficient to send the returned products before 14 days from the date of agreement renouncement.
7. The Consumer bears all the costs of the return.
8. In case of agreement renouncement, the Seller returns to the Consumer all payments received from the Consumer including the lowest-priced shipping method available in the Shop (if covered by the Consumer). All payments are returned without delay but no later than 14 days from the date of renouncement. Return of the payment is carried out by the same means as used by the Consumer to pay for the ordered products, unless the Consumer agreed to other solution. In any case the Consumer does not bear any additional costs connected with the payment return method.
9. If the Seller does not suggest picking up the returned products in person, he may withhold the return of the payment  from the Consumer until receiving returned goods or confirmation of sending the goods.
10. The consumer is held responsible for any decrease in the product's value resulting from use of the product in a manner that exceeds the necessity to ascertain the nature, features and functionality of the product.

§ 8
 Defects liability

1. The Seller, fully excludes the liability towards Clients for physical and legal defects (warranty exclusion)
2. The seller is liable towards the Consumer if the sold product has any physical or legal defect.
3. If the product sold has any defect, the Consumer may:
   ◦ demand replacing the product with a new one, free of defects
   ◦ demand necessary repairs,
   ◦ demand price reduction
   ◦ renounce the sales agreement
4. If the Consumer finds purchased product faulty, they should inform the Seller specifying their demand or placing a proper statement.
5. The consumer may use a complaint form, available here:  formularz reklamacyjny however this is not obligatory.
6. The consumer may contact the Seller by traditional mail or e-mail.
7. The Seller has 14 days to consider the complaint counting from the date of complaint delivery. The complaint will be answered by the same means of communication as it was placed.
8. All details concerning warranty for defects are regulated by Polish Civil Code ( articles 556-576)
9. The Seller is held responsible for non-execution or undue execution of the sales agreemnt, but in case of sales agreements concluded with Clients the Seller is held responsible only in case of intentional damage and within the limits of actual losses incurred by the Client.

§ 9
Personal data and cookies

All rules concerning personal data processing ang cookies policies are located in privacy policy available here https://fredericcishoes.com/en/content/3-polityka-prywatnosci

§ 10
Extrajudical means of warranty and redress seeking

1. The Seller agrees to mediation proceeding in case of any dispute concernig sales of goods by the Seller. All details will be specified by the disputing parties.
2. The Consumer has the right to use extrajudical means in considering warranty and redress seeking. Inter alia, the Consumer may :
   • apply to arbitration court for resolving the dispute resulting from concluding a sales agreement.
   • apply to the Voivodship Trade Inspectorate for mediation proceeding connected with amicable dispute solution between the Buyer and the Seller.
   • use the help of local Consumer Spokesman or any other institution which statutory activity is connected to consumer protection.
3. More detailed information about extrajudicial means of warranty and redress seeking can be found here: http://polubownie.uokik.gov.pl
4. The Consumer may also use ODR platform, available here: http://ec.europa.eu/consumers/odr. The platform serves as a tool to resolve disputes between consumers and entrepreneurs seeking extrajudicial means of dispute solution (concerning internet sales agreements).

§ 11
 Final Provisions

1. The seller reserves the right to introduce and withdraw offers, including special offers, and to change the prices of the products. Changes will not violate he rights obtained by the Buyer , in particular to the conditions of sales agreements concluded before introducing the changes.
2. The seller reserves the right to introduce changes in the Terms of Use. For all agreements concluded before the change, Terms of use valid in the day of agreement conclusion will apply.
3. Buyer with an active account are informed  about changes in Terms and Conditions by an e-mail sent to the adress assigned to their account. In case of not accepting the new Terms and Conditions,  the Buyer is entitled to  renounce the account agreement by deleting account or placing a propper announcement to the Seller.
4. In case of Clients the proper court for dispute settlement is the court propper considering the Seller's  seat.
5. All laws applying for this Terms and Conditions are laws of The Republic of Poland.
6. This Terms and Conditions is in force from 07.01.2020
7.All previous versions of Terms of Use will be available for download in .pdf format .Links to the previous versions are located below the Terms of Use.